Istanbul in 1965

Turkey in 2011

see map below


Looking SE from above the Suleymaniye mosque we see the Bosporus narrow water channel mid-left joining the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara towards the background of the picture with mainland Turkey in the background

Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) built in 17th century - close up below right
Above Left: looking from the Blue Mosque to the Aya Sofia mosque which was built in the 5th century. It was one of the largest ever Christian churches converted to a mosque in the 15th century.

Gateway to Istanbul

The Edirne Gate

Ruins of the substantial city wall (near the Edirne Gate)
built around Istanbul/Byzantium/Constantinople in the 5th century by Emperor Theodosius II

Slums to the left, mosque to the right

Inside the Blue Mosque


Looking back across the Bosporus to the Suleymaniye Mosque (largest in Istanbul)
built 1550 to 1557 by the Sultan Suleyman

The top of the 60 metre Galata Tower can be seen in the background.
It was built in the 14th century by the Genoese occupiers for defence purposes.

The Pearl Throne in the Topkarpi Museum

The bridge across the Bosporus at night


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