Living TRAVEL - Campbell Island, New Zealand

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Campbell Island map
Campbell Island, New Zealand
Campbell Island, New Zealand - basalt cliffs
Campbell Island, New Zealand - basalt cliffs
Campbell Island, New Zealand - basalt cliffs
Campbell Island, New Zealand - basalt cliffs
Campbell Island, New Zealand - basalt cliffs
Campbell Island, New Zealand
Campbell Island, New Zealand
Campbell Island, Mega Herbs - Ross Lily - Bulbinella rossii
Campbell Island, Mega Herbs - Ross Lily - Bulbinella rossii
Campbell Island, Silver Leaf Daisy - Pleurophyllum hookeri
Campbell Island, Silver Leaf Daisy - Pleurophyllum hookeri
Campbell Island, Campbell Island Shag - Phalacrocorax campbelli
 Campbell Island, Campbell Island Shag - Phalacrocorax campbelli
Campbell Island, Antarctic Tern - Sterna vittata
 Campbell Island, Antarctic Tern - Sterna vittata
Campbell Island, Campbell Island teal, Anas nesiotis
Campbell Island, Campbell Island Teal (flightless), Anas nesiotis
Campbell Island, Dark Mantled Sooty Albatross - Phoebetria fusca 
Campbell Island, Light Mantled Sooty Albatross nesting - Phoebetria fusca
Campbell Island, Hookers Sea Lions, Phocarctos hookeri_Bull with Hareem
Campbell Island, Hooker's Sea Lions, Phocarctos hookeri_Bull with Hareem
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